I’ve read and heard a lot of inspirational think-tracks about utilizing this time to find your best self. About turning inward to find strength and resiliency. Lots of suggestions for DIY projects at home, recipe inspirations, reading and writing recommendations, home work-outs…the list goes on and on. No doubt you’ve all seen them as well.
All of the above are fantastic, really. Keeping your mind occupied and body moving are critical to mental and physical health, and never more so than during times of crisis. But for many of us this upheaval triggers a trauma response. Calendar dates no longer seem important, time becomes subjective, and life is in limbo. Our bodies feel tired while our brains are working in overdrive; we are in survival mode.
It’s a familiar feeling.
These are not easy days, and there’s no telling when they will get easier. So in order to find my best self, I am committed to:
Understanding that while current timelines are arbitrary, there is so much value in believing a brighter future is ahead
Getting outside as often as I can (given current isolation/distancing guidelines)
Being open, honest, and admitting when I am riding that struggle bus
Listening to my body and giving it what it asks for via exercise, good food, and sleep
Reminding myself that there is no shame if I struggle to write
I am my best self when I give myself grace. And I encourage you all to do the same.
Salt Marshes, Newbury MA